Most Important Influence on Children’s Development in Early Years.
The immediate response is “Adults”,” Environment”, “family”, “extended family members”.. etc. 
In today’s times, our children do not have the luxury of extended families or running on the streets to meet their friend at the end of the neighborhood. We parents did that in 90s. It doesn’t happen so often anymore.  
So how do we give our children a carefree environment of trust, care, letting them be who they are and still ensuring they are thriving and under safety protection.  
And why? 
It is through the wilderness of running free to talk to their friend and seeing the same friend (set of friends) through a period, they understand space, bonds, trust, anchoring of emotions and empathy. 
 In my personal life, I’ve recognized how self-regulation is a learned social skill with others. For example, we learn how to regulate our emotions and impulses after we recognize how they may affect others, especially as they relate to socialization and social skills. 

It truly takes a village to raise a child. 
It is in a thoughtful environment like a regulated or reflective childcare, that influences on children are often discusses by group of adults (preschool teachers) and reflective practice are embraced.  
Here at ABC, we teachers take the responsibility for modeling, learning, reinforcing, and judging of behaviors. This idea was one of the most valuable lessons because it places emphasis on the relational quality the interplay between grownups and kiddos when it comes to the negative behaviors.

Furthermore, the labels that kiddos come to identify with and, likely manifest through their behaviors, thought process, etc. can often, be noted to originate from adults who bring attention to the negative, the unwanted, and the misbehaviors. Nevertheless, with, a powerful lesson in this video is the ability for adults to recognize, accept, and own the responsibility and accountability for this process in order to mitigate and intervene.
I would like to share a ted video of Tom Weisner 
THIS VIDEO RESONATES A LOT with what we do here, at ABC. , “It takes a village to raise a child.”  as an anthropologist who went to Kenya and studied “the effects of urban migration on children there.”; he notes the power of contextual and cultural differences in children’s lives.  Weisner contemplates the importance of social responsibility and collaborative learning, and social intelligence that you see in so many cultures how many children there are out there in the world.    
Further, Weisner mentions in the case of rural Kenya, “Care is socially distributed; children are very securely attached.  But they are attached to a social setting of family and other members that help take care of them.  They are likely to be part of a community of care.”